I played hooky today and I don't feel the least bit guilty about it. Today was the first sunny day in what feels like forever, and I wanted to take advantage of it. I did some work and spent some time in my workshop. Mid-day I took my camera outside. First stop was my own yard.
First stop was the end of the walk to document the planter I put out last weekend. It was finished last fall but we never got it put into place.
Click on the pictures to see larger versions.
The plants are dragon's breath sedum and pasque flower.
In the garden next to the driveway:

Pinks aka Dianthus

Lithodora - these are tiny flowers about 1/4 inch across.

Salvia thinking about blooming.
When it does it'll be dark purple.
Moving toward the back yard:

We originally got a couple of plants from Amy's Dad.
We now have two window boxes full, though we never use them.


Lily of the Valley
And then I headed out into my neighborhood:

Goldfinches enjoying our neighbors feeder.

Pattern on phone pole.
Can you see the heart?


I'm not sure what this pod will be.
I'll have to stop by in a week or so and find out.

Bleeding Hearts.
All in all a wonderful walk.
I know I haven't posted in way too long. I can't promise this will be the start of more regular posting, but I'm going to try.